Oakton’s Empty Bowls event helps the hungry by selling pottery

November 25, 2022
UPDATE: The club has raised over $29,000 dollars this year for six food pantries. This event has now raised over $396,000 since 2004.
Oakton’s empty bowls charity event takes place on Saturday, Dec. 3 between 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Admission is free, but for a $16 dollar donation you can take home one of the 1,200 custom bowls made for the event by students and staff. The bowls have been crafted many months in advance in anticipation for this event.
“It’s terrific to get back and engage with the public in a meaningful and impactful way,” said William Jamieson, a staff member in the ceramics lab.
The empty bowls event has been tradition since 2004, raising over $300,000 dollars by selling 20,000 handmade bowls.
“Every semester we have bowlathons, a fiesta of making as many bowls as we can,” said Jamieson.
This event raises money for many different organizations including Des Plaines Self-Help Closet and Pantry, Interfaith Action of Evanston, Maine Township Food Pantry, New Trier Township Food Pantry, Niles Township Food Pantry and Northfield Township Food Pantry. 100% of all proceeds go to these organizations.
“Volunteers have been working year-round to prepare for this annual event. I’m always moved by the dedication of our members who donate countless hours of their time for this great cause,” said Lou Pierozzi, advisor of the Ceramics Club.
In addition to the bowls, the event also has lunch including soup and bread. Live music will be present along with the opportunity to buy larger art pieces with 100 percent of proceeds going to charity.
Next year, attendees will be able to watch “Battle of the Bowls” where ceramic and wood turners compete in creating artwork.
If you’d like to read more about this charitable opportunity, visit: https://www.oakton.edu/about/news/2022/11/empty-bowls-to-support-local-food-pantries.php