New Oakton Octaves choir club provides place to make music and friends

November 14, 2022
The 2022-2023 school year has seen an increase in club petitions and formations, but one new club, Oakton Octaves, is particularly unique in terms of activities and involvement.
Perfect for students who prefer not to commit to a choir class but still love to sing, Oakton Octaves is an a capella singer’s club. The club’s initiative is to reclaim the post-pandemic ability to perform for Oakton and make music together.
The term “a capella” means that the songs will be performed without musical accompaniment, which allows for more solo opportunities, the showcasing of harmonies, and a clear sound that is unique when compared with the typical choral setting.
“People should join because it is a wonderful way to give back to the community. It is a safe place for Oakton’s students to get together and sing,” said Ali Krieger, Oakton Octaves President and club creator.
The club is low-commitment and focused on spreading an appreciation for all genres of acapella music, as well as re-igniting a demand for performance in a post-pandemic Oakton community.
“Being in a choir with people is a great way to build a sense of community. Having that common goal brings you closer to people,” said Aliza Guessin, music major and Oakton student. “Everyone wants something to be proud of.”
Oakton Octaves is co-ed, auditioned, and entirely student-led. “Rehearsal will be led by myself and other leaders– in other words, it will be student-led,” said Krieger. “We will learn a variety of music pieces to prepare for any performance opportunities that come our way. Genres of music we will be looking at include arrangements of pop, classical music, and anything else members suggest. We will vote on music choices as a group.”
This musical opportunity will lend itself to advanced and aspiring singers alike. Aside from attending a weekly practice session, choir members will be able to advance their music-reading skills, improve their pitch accuracy, create social media content, and socialize with like-minded individuals.
“Once students are in the program after auditions, we will all decide on a day and time that works best for everyone,” said Krieger. “After each performance, we will have pizza parties and celebrations (like any other sport or club). Rehearsal will be a safe place for us to sing and have fun while working hard to become the best a capella group we can be.”
Oakton Octaves will perform for nursing homes and surrounding schools, which is ideal for students looking to earn service hours or to simply give back to the community. The a capella group also plans to carol throughout the Oakton campus and downtown Des Plaines during the holiday season.
“I’ve caroled and given back to the community several times in past choirs,” said Krieger. “We caroled at the Des Plaines tree lighting in Metropolitan Square and in local businesses, we sang at middle schools and at nursing homes. We would be doing something similar here.”
In addition to community service, singing in a choir has a plethora of personal benefits. According to the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, active engagement with music can impact the way that the brain processes information, enhances the perception of language and speech, and subsequently improves the ability to communicate with others.
Singing is also an effective way to alleviate the effects of SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, a condition that depresses between 10-20% of the population during the winter months– which are right upon us.
“This club can only benefit Oakton’s students in a fun and musical way,” said Krieger. “If you want to improve your vocal skills, show off your talent, or just want to find a sense of belonging, this group is for you.”
Auditions will take place 1-2 weeks before the group is established and rehearsals begin, and will be held by the club’s officers and advisor.
AUDITION ADVICE: (singers and beat-boxers welcome!)
- Prepare to sing a pop song that fits your voice well.
- Be able to commit to a short weekly rehearsal.
- Be ready to sing some warm-ups.
- Be ready to have a good time!
Stay on the look-out for an Oakton Octaves table on Student Street on the Des Plaines campus! Please contact [email protected] with any questions or to schedule an audition.