Stars can’t shine without darkness

Blake Glass


In this world, there may always be a time in someone’s life where they witness someone do something heroic, inspirational, or influential. Along with that,  every person will always see something or a certain instance of something problematic tied to it and it may be hard for them to believe the event even happened. Furthermore, realize that unlike a “hero,” an influential person isn’t always a positive example.  A person may have grown and changed as a result of someone whose mistakes or inappropriate behavior taught he/she what not to do with your life. 

For student named Burke Morley, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. In his life, he has often viewed his father as his biggest inspiration. Not only has he inspired Morely from being a role model, but he has also guided him through trying times. 

One of the first times Morley was inspired by his father was when he told him stories about being a quarterback in high school and what he had to do to fight through adversity. “I used this motivation to eventually become quarterback for my team, but the real value in his insights were when he pushed me to continue to achieve. My dad is an inspiration to everyone he knows because of how outgoing he is, and just because of how kind of a person he is.” Morley concluded that the most important thing his father has ever taught him is to always have a positive attitude. 

Max Gilgorevic, a student, certainly has his eye on a celebrity who supposedly inspires him. This isn’t any ordinary celebrity as he originally became famous through professional gaming. The celebrities name goes by the name ‘Faze Banks’ who started and is the leader of the most popular and skilled video game clan called “Faze”. 

Although Banks, is recognized by millions of people around the world, Gilgorevic actually knew Banks before he hit it big. “We made videos together then we stopped and he kept going, now he’s famous” said Gilgorevic. 

Gilgorevic insisted that he still has videos of the two playing and they’re friends through facebook. Through Banks journey, it has pushed Gilgorevic beyond his limits. Becoming what he wants to be may not be impossible, however, Gilgorevic realizes that he’ll have to keep practicing and keeping that same motivation in hopes that he’ll make it doing what he loves someday too. 

For another student, is most inspired by his grandfather. Moag is inspired by his grandfather the most because he came from a small farm in Indiana which seems more difficult from Moag’s current living situation and harder regarding the path of success.

 In addition, Moag explained that is grandfather even dropped out of college but he still eventually was able to become very successful. “After he dropped out of college, it was a big lowpoint in his life” Moag said. 

However, after continuing trying to work hard, his grandfather was eventually able to open his own business and that has made him wealthy ever since it started to thrive. His grandfather explained to his grandson, one time that, “it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.” 

That message has always influenced Moag to be less introverted and to work on his networking. Not only does his grandfather inspire him but he also inspires the rest of Moag’s family and his grandfather’s employees that fall under his business.

 In the future, Moag hopes that he can one day turn his life around like his grandfather. At this point in his life, he explained how it’s scary for people his age to imagine what they’ll be doing with the rest of their life regarding work. However, if he keeps following in the footsteps of his grandfather, he has no doubt that everything will be similar to what he wants his future to look like.

All in all, our world is much smaller than we imagine it and there is scarce time to achieve the things people want to achieve. You never know when a family member, stranger, or classmate might do something that changes the world in a positive matter. In addition, you never know when you, yourself might have a hidden talent. The biggest message that anyone could take out of these interviews is that it is healthy to be inspired and obsessed with something or someone great. It all takes practice and hard work and you may one day be inspired to be tenacious in a particular field or opportunity that makes you successful.